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RoF pre-order dispo, description des bonus

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Inscrit le: 09 Avr 2009
Messages: 645

MessagePosté le: Mer Oct 17, 2012 8:41 am    Sujet du message: RoF pre-order dispo, description des bonus Répondre en citant

Harbinger's Staff
(Only Available with Pre-Order) - Clicky, teleports you to a spot near the zone in to the main RoF zone
Fear Corrupted Phase Spider Metamorph Totem
(Only Available with Pre-Order) - Metamorph items are similar to both a summoned familiar and a petamorph wand. It uses in whichever manner is appropriate
Collector's Dimensional Case - Bag only for collection items
Traveler's Rucksack - Same as existing item
Idol of Cazic Thule - Housing Item
Holgresh Metamorph Totem - See above. New Holgresh model
Contract of the Apparitional Alaran - Mercenary contract for a ghostly Alaran - possibly a new model
Painting: Rain of Fear - Housing item
Bracelet of the Severed Hand - Mount, on the back of a reanimated hand.
Collectors Only Collection Quest - Collection Quest only available to those with the Collector's Edition
Journeyman's Pocketed Rucksack - Same as existing item
Evantil’s Abode - House based on one of the new zones
Holgresh House Pet - New Holgresh model
Contract of the Fallen - Mercenary contract, super sweet looking
Painting: Shards Landing - Housing item
Thulian Bracelet of the Severed Hand -Mount, on the back of a reanimated hand (different skin)”
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